June 28, 2008

The Tag Season

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:52 am by RJ

Reems tagged me and she felt Sakhi would beat me! 😛

1.       Last movie you saw in a theater?

Get Smart – I am going to watch it in another 2 hrs

2.       What book are you reading

The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini. I bought this book after reading Amit’s review on A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseini. I think this author is pretty cool.

3.       Favorite board game?

Snake & Ladders – It’s quick! I haven’t played this in a long time. Chess too!

4.       Favorite magazine?

None – not a magazine person

5.       Favorite smells?

Perry Ellis 360, Smell of gasoline, paint, coffee, old currency note

6.       Favorite sounds?

Anything that A. R. Rahman plays

7.       Worst feeling in the world?

When somebody is not expressive!

8.       What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?

Is it Friday yet?

9.       Favorite fast food place?

Any place that serves food fast

10.   Future child’s name?

I have stopped planning about the future. We’ll see when it happens

11.   Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?

Be very happy 😛

12.   Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

No – who comes with such questions??

13.   Storms – cool or scary?


14.   Favorite drink?

Chocolate milkshake/Mango lassi

15.   Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?

Probably learn many new sports, languages and do some creative stuff

16.   Do you eat the stems on broccoli?

If it’s seasoned, I would

17.   If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?

Black, when I get grey hair (all this is possible if I don’t go bald)

18.   Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?

Srivilliputtur, Chennai, Thane, Mulund, Pune (2 weeks), Stamford, LA, NY

19.   Favorite sports to watch?

Cricket and F1

20.   One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?

Reema – She’s very sweet and I call her my heroine and Jaaneman too! Love ya loads!

21.   What’s under your bed?

Dust 😀 (Over the bed lust – just to make it rhyming :P)

22.   Would you like to be born as yourself again?

No, I want to be born again as a girl

23.   Morning person or night owl?

Morning person

24.   Over easy, or sunny side up?

None – I like it over hard! Soft Yolk is ewwwww!

25.   Favorite place to relax?

Home Sweet Home

26.   Favorite pie?

Creamy chocolate pie..yummy!

27.   Favorite ice cream flavor?

Anything but mint

28.   Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?

I tag everybody in my blogroll and everybody it is (includes people in love )J I think Anu would be the quickest!


  1. wasshappening said,

    Tag season…!!!
    The best answer…
    When somebody is not expressive!
    I hate them to…

    Dust 😀 (Over the bed lust – just to make it rhyming :P)….Whatever!

  2. S said,

    Am glad am not on ur blogroll 😀

  3. S said,

    Thats a fine book that you have picked 🙂
    & am glad am not on ur blogroll 😀


  4. smallstar said,

    I’ll do it better, man! 😀 *have a lovely day*

  5. smallstar said,

    I’ll do it better, man! 😀 *have a lovely day*

  6. smallstar said,

    Excuse me! I wanted say: I’LL DO IT SOON! :s

  7. Nikhil said,

    Dude, I’ve done these tags already! 😀
    Thanks anyway 🙂

  8. Anu said,

    i tooo love a r rahman’s muzeek .. 🙂
    n chocolate milkshake as well !!!! its tooo goood…. 🙂
    and u were right , i wud be da quickest one … writin it now .. !!

  9. Sandeep R. said,

    haha.. friday stuff was good 🙂

    I have stopped planning about the future. We’ll see when it happens.
    Great one dude!!

    22. Would you like to be born as yourself again?

    No, I want to be born again as a girl 😀 😀 😀

  10. Sandeep R. said,

    dude.. money and happYness?!

  11. RJ said,

    @Bhav – I was serious about the dust part 😀

    @S – Yea, so far so good. I get the feeling the book wouldn’t disappoint! Btw, you should also do it! I think it would be nice to read your answers 🙂 You are added to my blogroll 😛

    @Smallstar – I am sure you will do it better and soon 🙂 coz you my amico and bacios! 😀

    @Nik – Nevermind, I wanted to link “people in love” with your URL just for kicks 😀

    @Anu – I knew you would finish it soon 🙂 & remm ‘Chocolate Fantasy’ we’ll have it soon 🙂

    @San – You know about the whole rebirth and girl thingy 🙂 As far as money and Happyness goes – at this point in time I would really be happy with a lot to spend 😛 On a longer run, happYness matters 🙂

  12. smallstar said,

    You are my lovely friend, and you deserve all the best! 😉

  13. Reema said,

    Ohhh *blush* my hero 😀 😛
    Hmm smell of gaosline..many people seem to like it.

    //What’s under your bed?

    Dust :D// dont u guys sweep ur room ever? or use vacuum cleaner???

  14. smallstar said,

    I’ve done mine! 😉

  15. smallstar said,

    In my rebirth I absolutely want meet you!! I can’t wait! 😛 and I want also see what is your girly look!! LOL

  16. arvind said,

    some answers were funny
    >>u want to be a girl any special reason for that..
    >>> if u had money u would be happy,,thats the most honest answer i have heard ..normally people say charity and stuff 😛

  17. Rhapsy said,

    Getting tagged can be quite revealing.. I would not wish to get tagged..:)

  18. Sakhi said,

    So u beat me here! 😛 😛

    And beware, gasoline smell can be addictive! 🙂

  19. smallstar said,

    Have a lovely day, darling!! :* have you had a good weekend? 😀

  20. Well, I have already done this tag here:

    Random Meme

    So, technically, I did beat Anu. 😛

    Kite Runner is one of my favorite books, it moved me hard. Here us what I wrote about it. This was also my first personal post.

    Why The Kite Runner Moved Me

    I can understand you like smell of paint and old currency note, but gasoline?

  21. wasshappening said,

    Even i am adding Kite Runner in my want-to-read book list…
    Hope its good…

  22. Ken said,

    RJ !!!

    heyy..iam Ken..new to ur blog…came here thru nikhil’s blog..hehehe..well the reason wud be..i’ve been hearing this name for so long..thot ur sme Radio Joky …hehehe…nyways the original reason is..i started a new blog…and if u feel its worth reading ..plz do it and drop in comments too…Like Nikhil said..I am a struggling author ..no readers…SMS ! ( Save My Soul )

  23. Rj said,

    @Smallstar – Thanks Smallstar! My girly look will def be nicer than my guy look I think 😛 or that is what I hope 🙂
    I checked your tag and commented also 🙂

    @Reema – dont u guys sweep ur room ever? – No, guys don’t sweep their room. Have you ever tried asking a guy when was the last time they washed their pair of jeans? 😛

    @Arvind – Thanks for visiting buddy! I want to be a girl for this: https://especiality.wordpress.com/2008/05/28/i-want-to-be-a-girl/


    A bit weird, but read on!

    Seriously speaking, I would def be a happy person with loads of money. 😛 Wanna lend some?

    @Rhapsy – Its nice if your fellow bloggers (friends) know a bit about you. It is quiet revealing and sometimes reveals about your love story too! Some people might understand 😀 😛

    @Saks – I did (like always! 😛 ) I think I am already addicted 🙂

    @Poo – Going through your tag 🙂 Ha! I think technically you did beat her 🙂 Kite Runer is cool. I will read your post about it if it doesnt reveal much about the book. 🙂 I am just 6 chapters into it now.

    I don’t know why gasoline – but I kinda like it 🙂

    @Bhav – Its def good. 6 chapters into it and I love it already.

    @Ken – Thanks for visiting! Naah I am not a Radio Jockey! The R is my dads name and J stands for Junior 😀 😛 Just for fun! Its a secret…sshhhh! Btw, I am visiting Soulblues now and count me in as a regular reader. I will add you in my blogroll! I have a wonderful set of friends too in my blogroll and you can drop in at any of their blogs and write good things about me and bad things about them 😀 They won’t mind!! 🙂 See you around! Btw, you are tagged – fil in the set of questions above and post with then with your answers!

  24. Rhapsy said,

    @ RJ, Hmmm but I have not been tagged by anyone yet. I will wait for the moment.

  25. smallstar said,

    @Raja: yeahh I think so, too! 😀 😀 *eheh* kz

  26. RJ said,

    @Rhapsy – Get started with this one! 🙂 Will wait to read your answers in the next 45 mins 😀 😛

    @Smallstar – 😀 I def hope so 🙂 I will send you my pics then… 😉

  27. smallstar said,

    And now I’m waiting for them!! And I will let you know how my look is when in my rebirth I’ll be a boy, mk? 😆

  28. Priya said,

    // Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?

    Be very happy //

    Come one RJ !! You can do better !!

    // Would you like to be born as yourself again?

    No, I want to be born again as a girl //

    You’re still sticking on to it eh ?? Lol !!

    P.S : I think I’m the last one to comment. I feel so pathetic. Sorry RJ !!

  29. RJ said,

    @Pri – As of today, I did better 😛 My salary is late by 5 days – and you have no clue what it means to me 😀 😛

    Abt the girl thingy, I think will always stick to it. 🙂 Don’t worry about being the last one – I just read your ‘I’m bored’ post and I know how you feel 🙂

    Btw, I think Megs is the last one…*HUH!!..waiting with a red angry face*

  30. arvind said,

    well,i guess i have nothing to lend u. 😛
    just read ur post .. lol funny and yes weird but i accept there’s a point in ur post .. 🙂

  31. RJ said,

    @Arvind – So who do you wanna be? 😀

  32. smallstar said,

    Darling, would u want teach me some indian words? 😀

  33. RJ said,

    Sure thg! There are no Indian words. Indians speak as many as 34 languages or perhaps more. The official language is Hindi. I know Hindi, Marathi & Tamil

    Few Hindi words you may want to know are:

    Darling – jaaneman
    Love – pyaar
    Words – shabdh
    Roberta – pyaara bacha 🙂
    Kiss – pappi (Not exactly. I think its kinda slang)
    King – Raja
    Dog – Kutta
    Bastard – Kaminaa (I think, I am guessing)

    English – What’s your name?
    Hindi – Aapka naam kya hain?

    English – Did you have food?
    Hindi – Aapne khana khaya?


  34. smallstar said,

    Thanx jaaneman. I’ll take note!

  35. smallstar said,

    Oh. And does the word ‘Raja’ mean king? Cool! I like your name ever more! 😉

  36. RJ said,

    @Smallstar – LOL! You are damn funny!

    In hindi

    LOL! (is same even in hindi) aap bade mazaaki ho!

  37. RJ said,

    @Smallstar – Yea I am the King (Raja) 😀 😛 Now, give me all the respect 🙂

    Queen – Rani
    Subjects – Praja

  38. smallstar said,

    @the king RJ: ok you will have my respect forever! 😀

  39. smallstar said,

    @the king: and you are funny, too!!! :mrgreen:

  40. smallstar said,

    I leave here others italian words for u… King= re, you’re very funny= sei veramente divertente, nice= simpatico, carino, food=cibo, dog= cane, man= uomo, hugs= abbracci… 😀

  41. RJ said,

    cane is uomo’s best amico? Like Dog is a Man’s best friend 😀

    re abbracci roberta 🙂

  42. smallstar said,

    Yeahh! You are fantastic! 🙂 awww

  43. smallstar said,

    Now I say you it completely in italian language= il cane è il migliore amico dell’uomo

  44. smallstar said,

    Hindi shabdh are cool! 😉

  45. RJ said,

    il cane è il migliore amico dell’uomo – yes yes very easy 😛 I could pronounce all those words 😛

    Hindi shabdh are very cool 🙂

  46. smallstar said,

    Ahahah yeahhh man! 😀 😛

  47. smallstar said,

    -Sei adorabile- let’s see if u can guess that! 😛

  48. Reema said,


  49. Reema said,

    zara “maar khayega….chat pe aa fir batati hu” ka english ya italian batana to

  50. Nikhil said,

    Just for kicks!? Damn you!! 😀

  51. My post about The Kite Runner is entirely personal, it just sparks off from Book’s characters. You can read it without fear of any spoiler. You have already read first 6 chapters, one of main incident of the story has already happened.

  52. Ken said,


    So iam tagged by yo??..okies..lets see wot happens…;P

  53. vishesh said,

    i cant believe this thing is still going around…btw for YU! just comment on any post in my blog,i will get your id 🙂 or if you want to mail,mail the email id you use for wordpress to y.u.youthunite at gmail dot calm 🙂

  54. Amit said,

    Thankyou so much for reading the book after reading my review. 🙂 Khaled is one of the best writers right now.
    You stayed in Chennai? Me too. :mrgreen: Where?

  55. RJ said,

    @Amit – Yeah, your review was cool and you write well 🙂 Khaled is a good writer – still my memories on 5 pt someone is fresh 🙂

    We have a house in Vadapalani in chennai. I stayed there = spent 2 weeks in a year (vacationing)! What abt you?

  56. RJ said,

    @Smallstar – I would like to be an optimist and guess it as “You are Adorable” 😀 Is that it?

    @Reema – LOL! You are funny felli` 🙂

    @Nikhil – 🙂 Whatever it is – I am with you! You know that 🙂 we will convince Ms. Charming 😀

    @Poo – I am gonna read your review too! I am on the 8th chapter now. Yea few bad things happened already. Its kinda gripping now 🙂

    @Ken – Yea, waiting to see your tag completed. Where is it? 🙂

    @Vish – Sure thing! will do it right away! Tnx 🙂

  57. smallstar said,

    @RJ: yeaaaaahhh!! You’re a PERFECT italian! 😀 😀

  58. RJ said,

    @Smallstar – Hurray! I am Italiano! 😀

  59. smallstar said,

    Ahahah tell me, can you transate this: ‘you are very nice’ 😀 maybe you remember that I have already employed this…

  60. RJ said,

    @Smallstar – sei molto bello 🙂 Even if it is not – I wanted to mean so 🙂

  61. smallstar said,

    It means: sei molto carino, simpatico. ‘bello’ is about a good-looking person! 🙂 and I think you are also bello! 😉

  62. RJ said,

    @Smallstar – That’s what I meant about you! 🙂

  63. smallstar said,

    Owww thanx!! 🙂 *a big smile*

  64. Amit said,

    Thankyou. 😀
    I stayed in Thiruvanmiyur. Quite far away from Vadapalani. I was there for 2.5 years. 🙂

  65. harshasrisri said,

    Nice season! i am done with the tag too.

    01. First One

  66. RJ said,

    @Amit – I have heard abt this place 🙂 2.5 years – you might be knowing quiet a few sentences! 🙂

    @Harsha – I will have a look at your work once I post this comment!

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